Conflict & Change at Policy & Practice: Political violence in a new global order

Members of the Conflict & Change group organised a very well attended Policy & Practice public panel on "Political Violence in a New Global Order." 

The Department of Political Science's Policy & Practice Seminar Series includes presentations of scholarly research and talks by high-profile policy makers, practitioners and academics. This panel brought together C&C experts to discuss the likelihood and patterns of political violence – and how we can confront it – in a new global order.

Dr. Zeynep Bulutgil began the event by discussing the changing global order. Dr. Rod Abouharb covered trends in international and civil wars, followed by Dr. Kate Cronin-Furman on ethnic cleansing and genocide and Dr. Manuel Vogt on terrorism. Dr. Nils Metternich concluded the presentations by discussing international intervention. The event was chaired by Prof. Kristin M. Bakke and Kit Rickard, who moderated a lively audience discussion.
