Armed Groups Disaggregated: Rebel Fragmentation and Militias

  • Bakke, Kristin M., Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham and Lee J. M. Seymour. 2012. “A Plague of Initials: Fragmentation, Cohesion, and Infighting in Civil Wars.” Perspectives on Politics 10 (2): 265-284. 

  • Carey, Sabine C., and Neil J. Mitchell. 2017. ''Progovernment Militias'' Annual Review of Political Science 20: 127-147.  

  • Carey, Sabine C., Michael P. Colaresi, and Neil J. Mitchell 2015. “Governments, Informal Links to Militias, and Accountability.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (2): 850-876. 

  • Carey, Sabine C., Michael P. Colaresi, and Neil J. Mitchell. 2015. “Risk Mitigation, Regime Security, and Militias: Beyond Coup-proofing.” International Studies Quarterly (early view). 

  • Carey, Sabine C., Neil J. Mitchell, and Will Lowe. 2013. “States, the Security Sector, and the Monopoly of Violence.” Journal of Peace Research 50 (2): 249-258 

  • Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher, Kristin M. Bakke, and Lee J. M. Seymour. 2012. “Shirts Today, Skins Tomorrow: Dual Contests and the Effects of Fragmentation in Self-Determination Disputes.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 56 (1): 57-93. 

  • Mitchell, Neil J., Sabine C. Carey, and Christopher K. Butler.2014. “The Impact of Pro-Government Militias on Human Rights Violations.” International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations 40 (5): 812-836. 

  • Metternich, Nils, Cassy Dorff, Max Gallup, Simon Weschle, and Michael D. Ward. 2013. “Anti-government Networks in Civil Conflicts: How Network Structures Affect Anti-government Behavior.” American Journal of Political Science 57 (4). 

  • Seymour, Lee J. M., Kristin M. Bakke, and Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham. 2016. “E Pluribus Unum, Ex Uno Plures: Competition, Violence, and Fragmentation in Ethnopolitical Movements.” Journal of Peace Research 53 (1): 3-18.

Conflict Onset, Duration, Intensity

  • Bohara, Alok, Neil J. Mitchell, and Mani Nepal. 2006. “Opportunity, Democracy and Political Violence: A Sub-national Analysis of Conflict in Nepal.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 50 (1) :108-128. 

  • Bormann, Nils-Christian, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Manuel Vogt. 2017. “Language, Religion, and Ethnic Civil War.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 61 (4): 744-771. 

  • Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Manuel Vogt. 2017. “Dynamics and Logics of Civil War.” Journal of Conflict Resolution (forthcoming). 

  • Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher, Kristin M. Bakke, and Lee J. M. Seymour. 2012. “Shirts Today, Skins Tomorrow: Dual Contests and the Effects of Fragmentation in Self-Determination Disputes.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 56 (1): 57-93. 

  • Metternich, Nils W. 2011. “Expecting Elections: Interventions, Ethnic Support, and the Duration of Civil Wars.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 55 (6). 

  • Metternich, Nils W., Shahryar Minhas, and Michael D. Ward. 2017. “Firewall? Or Wall on Fire? A Unified Framework of Conflict Contagion and the Role of Ethnic Exclusion.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 61 (6): 1151-1173. 

  • Wucherpfennig, Julian, Nils W. Metternich, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2012. “Ethnicity, the State, and the Duration of Civil Wars.” World Politics 64 (1): 79-115.

Conflict Resolution

  • Blattman, Christopher, Alexandra C. Hartman and Robert A. Blair. 2014. “How to Promote Order and Property Rights under Weak Rule of Law? An Experiment in Changing Dispute Resolution Behavior through Community Education.” American Political Science Review 108 (1): 100-120. 

  • Chiba, Daina, Nils W. Metternich, and Michael D. Ward. 2015. “Every Story Has a Beginning, Middle, and an End: But Not Always in That Order.” Political Science Research and Methods 3 (3): 515-541. 

  • Garson, Melanie . 2017. “The Third Pillar: Supporting Settlements to End Protracted Conflicts.” PhD project, Department of Political Science, University College London.

Democratization, Decentralization, and Power-Sharing

  • Bakke, Kristin M. 2015. Decentralization and Intrastate Struggles: Chechnya, Punjab, and Québec. New York: Cambridge University Press. 

  • Bakke, Kristin M. 2010. “The Turn to Violence in Chechnya and Punjab: Self-Determination Struggles in Decentralized States.” In Rethinking Violence, ed. Adria Lawrence and Erica Chenoweth. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

  • Bakke, Kristin M. 2009. “State, Society, and Separatism in Punjab.” Regional and Federal Studies 19 (2): 291-308. 

  • Bakke, Kristin M., and Erik Wibbels. 2006. “Diversity, Disparity, and Civil Conflict in Federal States.” World Politics59 (1): 1-50. 

  • Vogt, Manuel. 2016. “A New Dawn? Indigenous Movements and Ethnic Inclusion in Latin America.” International Studies Quarterly 60 (4): 790-801.


  • Metternich, Nils W. 2011. “Expecting Elections: Interventions, Ethnic Support, and the Duration of Civil Wars.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 55 (6). 

  • Vogt, Manuel. 2015. “The Disarticulated Movement: Barriers to Maya Mobilization in Post-Conflict Guatemala.” Latin American Politics and Society 57 (1): 29-50. 

  • Vogt, Manuel. 2016. “A New Dawn? Indigenous Movements and Ethnic Inclusion in Latin America.” International Studies Quarterly 60 (4): 790-801. 

  • Vogt, Manuel. Forthcoming. “Ethnic Stratification and the Equilibrium of Inequality: Ethnic Conflict in Post-colonial States.” International Organization.

  • Vogt, Manuel, Nils-Christian Bormann, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2016. “Democracy, Ethnic Exclusion, and Civil Conflict: The Arab Spring Revolutions from a Global Comparative Perspective.” In David A. Backer, Ravi Bhavnani, and Paul Huth (eds.): Peace and Conflict 2016. London, UK: Routledge. 

  • Wucherpfennig, Julian, Nils W. Metternich, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2012. “Ethnicity, the State, and the Duration of Civil Wars.” World Politics 64 (1): 79-115

Forecasting and Prediction

  • Blair, Robert A., Christopher Blattman, and Alexandra Hartman, 2017. “Predicting Local Violence: Evidence from a Panel Survey in Liberia.” Journal of Peace Research 54 (2): 298-312. H

  • egre, Håvard, Nils W. Metternich, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2017. “Introduction: Forecasting in Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 54 (2): 113-124.  

  • Ward, Michael D., Nils W. Metternich, Cassy Dorff, Max Gallop, Florian Hollenbach, Anna Schultz, and Simon Weschle. 2013. “Stepping into the Future: A New Generation of Conflict Forecasting Models.” International Studies Review 15 (4). 

  • Ward, Michael D., Brian Greenhill, and Kristin M. Bakke. 2010. “The Perils of Policy by P-Value: Predicting Civil Conflicts.” Journal of Peace Research 47 (4): 1-13.

Foreign Policy

  • Bennett, Andrew, and Jonathan Monten. 2010. “Models of Crisis Decision Making and the 1990-91 Gulf War.” Security Studies 19 (3): 486-520. 

  • Busby, Joshua, and Jonathan Monten. 2012. “Republican Elites and Foreign Policy Attitudes.” Political Science Quarterly 127 (1): 105-142. 

  • Busby, Joshua, and Jonathan Monten. 2008. “Without Heirs? Assessing the Decline of Establishment Internationalism in U.S. Foreign Policy.” Perspectives on Politics 6 (3): 451-472. 

  • Monten, Jonathan. 2006. “Thucydides and Modern Realism.” International Studies Quarterly 50 (1): 3-26.


  • Downes, Alexander B., and Jonathan Monten. 2013. “Forced to Be Free: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Rarely Leads to Democratization.” International Security 37 (4): 90-131. 

  • Monten, Jonathan. 2014. “Intervention and State-Building: Comparative Lessons From Japan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 656 (1): 173-191. 

  • Monten, Jonathan, and James Lindley Wilson. 2011. “Does Kant Justify Liberal Intervention?” Review of Politics73 (4): 633-647.


  • Hollenbach, Florian, Nils W. Metternich, Shahryar Minhas, and Michael D. Ward. 2014. “Fast and Easy Imputation of Missing Social Science Data.” ArXiv 1411.0647. 

  • Vogt, Manuel, Nils-Christian Bormann, Seraina Rüegger, Lars-Erik Cederman, Philipp Hunziker, and Luc Girardin. 2015. “Integrating Data on Ethnicity, Geography, and Conflict: The Ethnic Power Relations Data Set Family.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (7): 1327-1342. 

  • Ward, Michael D., Brian Greenhill, and Kristin M. Bakke. 2010. “The Perils of Policy by P-Value: Predicting Civil Conflicts.” Journal of Peace Research 47 (4): 1-13. 

  • Ward, Michael D., Nils W. Metternich, Cassy Dorff, Max Gallop, Florian Hollenbach, Anna Schultz, and Simon Weschle. 2013. “Stepping into the Future: A New Generation of Conflict Forecasting Models.” International Studies Review 15 (4).

Peacekeeping and Post-War Statebuilding

  • Bakke, Kristin M. 2010. “After the War Ends: Violence and Viability of Unrecognized States.” In Unrecognized States in the International System, ed. Nina Caspersen and Gareth Stansfield. London: Routledge. 

  • Bakke, Krsitin M., Andrew Linke, John O’Loughlin, and Gerard Toal. 2017. “Dynamics of State-Building after War: External-Internal Relations in Eurasian de facto states.” Political Geography (forthcoming). 

  • Bakke, Kristin M., John O’Loughlin, Gerard Toal, and Michael D. Ward. 2014. “Convincing State-Builders? Disaggregating Internal Legitimacy in Abkhazia.” International Studies Quarterly 58 (3): 591-607. 

  • Bakke, Kristin M., Xun Cao, John O’Loughlin, and Michael D. Ward. 2009. “Social Distance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the North Caucasus Region of Russia: Inter and Intra-Ethnic Attitudes and Identities.” Nations and Nationalism 15 (2): 229-255. 

  • Bakke, Kristin M., John O’Loughlin, and Michael D. Ward. 2009. “Reconciliation in Conflict-Affected Societies: Multilevel Modeling of Individual and Contextual Factors in the North Caucasus of Russia.” Annals of American Association of Geographers 99 (1): 1012-1021. 

  • Smidt, Hannah. 2016. “From a Perpetrator’s Perspective: International Election Observers and Post-Electoral Violence.” Journal of Peace Research 53 (2): 226-241.

  • Smidt, Hannah. 2017. “Keeping Electoral Peace: The Impact of UN Peacekeeping Missions on Electoral Violence in Post-Conflict Countries.” PhD project, Department of Political Science, University College London.

Repression and Human Rights

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and Caroline Payne. (Forthcoming). “The International Human Rights Regime and the Strategic Shift to Forced Disappearance.” Journal of Human Rights

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, David Cingranelli, and Mikahil Fillipov. 2015. “The UN Convention versus IMF/World Bank Program Lending.” In Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Emerging Possibilities for Social Transformation, ed. LaDawn Haglund and Robin Strkyer. University of California Press. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and Susan Aaronson. 2014. “Does the WTO Help Member States Clean Up.” In Corruption and Conflicts of Interest: Comparative Law Insights, ed. Jean-Bernard Auby, Emmanuel Breen, and Thomas Perroud. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and Susan Aaronson. 2013. “Does the WTO Help Member States Improve Governance?” World Trade Review 13 (2): 1-36. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, Laura Moyer, and Megan Schmidt. 2013. “De Facto Judicial Independence and Physical Integrity Rights.” Journal of Human Rights 12: 367–396. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and Susan Aaronson. 2013. “Is More Trade Always Better? The WTO & Human Rights in Conflict Zones.” Journal of World Trade. 47 (5): 1091-1128. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan. 2012. “International Financial Institutions and Their Impacts on Human Rights: Current & Prospective Research.” In Handbook of Human Rights, ed. Thomas Cushman. London: Routledge. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and Susan Aaronson. 2011. “Unexpected Bedfellows: The GATT, the WTO and Some Democratic Rights.” International Studies Quarterly 55: 379-408. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and David Cingranelli. 2009. “IMF Programs and Human Rights, 1981-2003.” Review of International Organizations 4 (1): 47-72. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and Anessa L. Kimball. 2007. “A New Dataset on Infant Mortality Rates, 1816-2002.” Journal of Peace Research 44 (6): 743-754. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and David Cingranelli. 2007. Human Rights and Structural Adjustment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and David Cingranelli. 2006. “The Human Rights Effects of World Bank Structural Adjustment Lending, 1981-2000.” International Studies Quarterly 50: 233-262. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and David Cingranelli. 2005. “When the World Bank Says Yes: Determinants of Structural Adjustment Lending.” In Globalization And The Nation State: The Impact of The IMF and The World Bank, ed. Gustav Ranis, James Raymond Vreeland, and Stephen Kosack. London: Routledge. 

  • Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and David Cingranelli. 2004. “Human Rights and Structural Adjustment: The Importance of Selection.” In Understanding Human Rights Violations: New Systematic Studies, ed. Sabine C. Carey and Steven C. Poe. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. 

  • Beer, Caroline, and Neil J. Mitchell. 2006. “Comparing Nations and States: Human Rights and Democracy in India.” Comparative Political Studies 39 (8): 996-1018. 

  • Bohara, Alok K., Neil J. Mitchell, Mani Nepal, and Nejem Raheem. 2008. “Human Rights Violations, Corruption, and the Policy of Repression.” The Policy Studies Journal 36 (1): 1-18. 

  • Butler, Christopher K., Tali Gluch, and Neil J. Mitchell. 2007. “Security Forces and Sexual Violence: A Cross-National Analysis of a Principal-Agent Argument.” Journal of Peace Research 44 (6): 669-87. 

  • Mitchell, Neil J. 2012. Democracy’s Blameless Leaders: From Dresden to Abu Ghraib, How Leaders Evade Accountability for Abuse, Atrocity and Killing. New York: New York University Press. 

  • Mitchell, Neil J. 2004. Agents of Atrocity: Leaders, Followers, and the Violation of Human Rights in Civil War. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 

  • Mitchell, Neil J., Sabine C. Carey, and Christopher K. Butler. 2014. “The Impact of Pro-Government Militias on Human Rights Violations.” International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations 40 (5): 812-836. 

  • Sobek, David, M. Rodwan Abouharb, and Christopher G. Ingram. 2006. “The Human Rights Peace: How the Respect for Human Rights at Home Leads to Peace Abroad.” Journal of Politics 68 (3): 519-529.

Transnational Mobilization

  • Bakke, Kristin M. 2013. “Copying and Learning from Outsiders? Assessing Diffusion from Transnational Insurgents in the Chechen Wars.” In Transnational Dynamics of Civil War, ed. Jeffrey Checkel. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 

  • Bakke, Kristin M. 2014. “Help Wanted? The Mixed Record of Foreign Fighters in Domestic Insurgencies.” International Security 38 (4): 150-187.